ok, i haven't posted the Friday's bento yet.
so, i'll post it with today's bento :D
my friends on my facebook, like usual, asked me to write down the recipes. all of them, they said--for the friday's and today's.
so, i'll write only the selected menus ok? check them out!
Friday, 1st April 2011
this is hubby's new lunch box. we bought it because i love the colors, the space are minis and enough for his portion. even though his coworkers asked him whether it's enough or not, hubby said the portion was perfecto, enough. not too small, but not too full too.
`Well, these are the menus :
the rice tier was fits for 1 1/2 rice bowls. so i compacted the rice to the small tier and gave fried tempeh that i molded to bear shape. and the watermelon formed from kyuuri and imitation crab stick. while the watermelon seeds made from the kyurii seeds itself.
as the side dishes,
first i made him chicken wing in oyster sauce with sesame seeds sprinkle. he loved this so badly. at first, i didn't trust him. but then, i tried it my self, and yes, it was delicious :).
this is the recipe :
chicken wing in oyster sauce with sesame seeds sprinkle
ingredients :
6 chicken wings
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 cm ginger, sliced thinly
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
sugar, pepper and salt to taste
100 ml of fresh water
100 ml of fresh water
sesame seeds
oil to saute
how to:
- season the chicken wings with salt.
- fry the chicken wings until cooked, set aside.
- heat the oil and saute until fragrant the garlic and ginger.
- add the fried chicken wings, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, salt and pepper.
- pour the water, and cook until the sauce shrinking and the seasons seep.
- sprinkle with sesame seeds at the top.
there you go, that simple!
as the base is the cajun red beans. I found the original recipe from ken's blog. but i did some differences, since i didn't have the ingredients he asked for. here is the bento si ayah's recipe :
cajun red beans
smoked beef sausage (cut into small pieces)
1 cup onion (diced)
1 cup onion (diced)
celery (diced)
green pepper (diced)
garlic (chopped)
chicken stock
red beans (rinsed and drained)
red paprika powder and cayenne pepper (or to taste)
red paprika powder and cayenne pepper (or to taste)
bay leaves
salt and pepper to taste
salt and pepper to taste
- Heat the oil in a large sauce pan over medium heat.
- Add the sausage and saute until lightly golden brown, about 5-7 minutes, and set aside.
- Add the onions, celery and green pepper to the pan and cook until tender, about 7-10minutes.
- Add the garlic and cook until fragrant, about 1-2 minutes.
- Add the stock, beans, ham hock, paprika, cayenne, oregano, thyme, bay leaves, salt and pepper and bring to a boil.
- Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer covered for 1-3 hours.
- serve it
i also made him asparagus with poached egg in dill sauce. my friend said, poaching egg is the parameter of the expert chef :) because, even though it's a simple task, but it needs a precise timing and heat. lots of cooker, make this not in the perfect form : the egg yolk is too well-cooked, or they couldn't move it to the top of dishes without breaking the egg yolk.
well, at first i thought, i was failed too. but then hubby said, the poaching egg is perfect. the egg yolk very dilute and i could move it to the tier without breaking the egg yolk. fuuuh.. :D
hubby's breakfast was the same menu :)
that's all for the friday's bento :)
Monday, 4th April on 2011
the same tiers, with the different menu! :D
like usual, i didn't plan any for the menu. my friend said, today's menu are Italian! well, i guess they're right.
the main dish is baked rice with smoke-beef sausage. with side dishes of spaghetti with chicken cutlet, Javanese steak, and brown mashed potatoes. as my friends' requests, i'll write the baked rice recipe and the javanese steak.
baked rice with
smoke-beef sausages
smoke-beef sausages
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
1/2 part of onion, diced
1 tablespoon of worcestershire sauce
1 tea spoon of tomatoes puree
100 ml chicken stock
pepper, salt to taste
100gr mixed vegetables (you can use the packed ones, but bento si ayah prefers to cut the vegetable itself, it's fresher)
red chilli pepper, seeded, sliced thinly
cooked rice
smoke beef sausages, cut to pieces
the topping:
1 tea spoon of wheat flour
150 ml milk
cheese, grated
- heat the oil, saute the garlic with onion until fragrant. add the worcestershire sauce, tomato puree, and chicken stock. stir well. add the salt and pepper, mixed vegetables, and the red chilli pepper. set aside
- as the topping : heat the butter, add the flour. while stirring, pour the milk and cook until it gravy and thickens. add the cheese. stir well. set aside
- take the aluminum foil dish, put the rice in.
- give some mixed vegetables with seasons, the top topping, and the sausages.
- baked in 180 degrees heat, for 20 minutes.
- ready to serve
the second is Javanese steak.
don't forget to reserving the mixed vegetables as one of the compliments. you may serve this with french fries, local potato fries, or brown mashed potato fries like bento si ayah.
12:50 pm
ahahaha, actually i don't think it's important to write the hash (brown mashed) potatoes recipe here :D but since my friends keep asking about this, ok--i'll write it :D
all you need to do is :
Beat the egg in a small bowl.
In a medium bowl, mix together egg and onion with mashed potatoes (if you like, you can grated it, or diced it like mine). Add salt and pepper as you desire.
if you want to make it crispier, try not to use any eggs in it.
At a medium setting, heat olive oil in a medium size frying pan. Scoop the potato mixture into the frying pan in 4 inch circles, pat with a spatula to flatten the mounds to approximately 1/2 to 1 inch thick. Cook until bottom is browned. Flip the patty over and brown the other side.
anyway, this is how bento si ayah serve the dish :
Javanese steak
ingredients :
tenderloin beef, sliced thinly
mixed vegetables
sauce :
wheat flour
salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste
sweet-soy sauce
how to:
- first marinate the beef with the seasons. keep it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
- heat the butter on the pan, and grill the beef.
- for the sauce : heat the oil, saute the garlic until fragrant. add the flour, milk, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. stir until thickens.
- serve the steak with sauce, mix vegetables, and the potatoes.
simple isn't it?
hope you can make it too at home :)
well, i arrange the same menu for hubby's breakfast in the smaller portion, with fruits too.
and the same menu for hubby's coworker order. there you go :) that's all for today girls..
love kisses and hugs
resep yg potato na manah atuh teteh?
iyah...mana2?? kkk
mb....tempenya itu pake alat cetak yaa.....beli dmn?
ahahaha, it's a very simple recipe.
ok okaaaaaay :D :D :D
@funie: waktu itu aku beli di mana ya ? aku lupa :D coba deh ntar kalo ketemu lagi, aku kabari. cuma kalau mau pake buat bentuk yang lain, cetakan kue biasa juga oke kok fan.
msh terkesima liat porsinya..xixixi..thanks for the menu..lgs copas..mau dicoba ahhh..
@mama elaine: hahaha, liat skala pembandingnya deh mba yul :D garpu kayu. ukuran garpu itu seukuran sendok garpu makan kita yang biasanya. sementara panjang/lebar/diameter kotak bento si ayah ngga nyampe leher si garpu bahkan :D jadi, porsinya cukup, ngga banyak dan ngga kesedikitan. yang penting lengkap dan variatif :D, aku kurang suka pake wadah silikon, cuma seperlunya aja, lebih suka dipisah per menu begini. makanya, kalau lagi hunting lunch box pasti nyarinya yang mini-mini tapi banyak wadahnya. dicoba ya resepnya, cerita-cerita ya ntar :D
teh liza...iu hash na g pake tepung y?...trus potato na diulek ato dpotong kotak?...trus potato na direbus dulu ato g?...onion iu bawang bawang daun kan?
@windi: kalau yang krispi, ngga win. air kentangnya harus benar-benar ditiriskan. kalau yang biasa, kentangnya dipotong dadu kecil2/diparut, bukan diulek. kalau diulek jadinya kaya mashed potato puree. ini kentangnya kan kecil2 banget dipotongnya, jadi ngga perlu direbus/dikukus dulu seperti kalau kita bikin perkedel. ngga usah dikasih tepung, kalau udah dicampur, ambil pan datar, tuang adonan, tekan-tekan adonan sampai rata dengan pan. minyak sedikit. onion itu bawang bombay, red onion itu bawang merah, scallions itu bawang daun.
aaaaaaa begituuuuuuu....baiklah ^O^
besok mo nyoba...tp g ngepyar jadina pas digoreng (klo g pake telur)teh?...
@windi : kalau mau krispi iya win. setelah diparut, keluarkan sebisa mungkin kandungan air di kentang, peras-peras, keringkan dengan tissue.
panaskan minyak, sedikit, sebarkan. ambil kentang, tekan-tekan ke pan. jangan terlalu tebal, supaya lekas matang. bubuhi garam dan lada. setelah beberapa menit, intip sebentar dari balik tepiannya, kalau sudah kecokelatan, berarti siap di balik. kalau sanggup, balik semuanya sekali waktu. kalau takut retak/pecah, lagsung aja belah jadi beberapa bagian (atau dari awal ngoreng, dibentuk kecil2). ini ngga sama dengan mashed potatoes. hasilnya yang ini kaya kering kentang itu loh. kalau mau yang hash mashed ya pake telur :)
Keren kereen.... bentonya, semoga bisa berbagi tips dan trik ya... Salam kenal dan salam bento dari www.dbento.com
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