Thursday, January 27, 2011

Soto Kudus untuk Bento si Ayah (Soto Kudus in Hubby's Bento)

Good morning ^^ what a lovely day..
This morning i made him a special and simple bento. Special because there are lots of side dishes to have, but simple in making. My husband is a soto ayam-lover. in case you don't know what is soto ayam, i quoted what Wikipedia said about that :
Soto ayam is a yellow spicy chicken soup with nasi empit (compressed rice that is then cut into small cakes) or ketupat or vermicelli or noodles, commonly found in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia. Turmeric is added as one of its ingredients to get yellow chicken broth. Besides chicken and vermicelli, it is also served with hard-boiled eggs, slices of fried potatoes, Chinese celery leaves, and fried shallots. Sometimes, slices of Lontong (compressed rice roll) are also added. Occasionally, people will add "koya", a powder of mixed fried garlic with prawn crackers or bitter Sambal (orange colored). Krupuk are a very common topping.
Different regions have their own variation of this dish, for instance: soto ambengan (surabaya), soto banjar, soto medan, soto kudus.
Today, i made him soto kudus. It's a little bit different with the other soto, not from the side dish--because i also used chicken broth (after boiled for the broth, the chicken  fried and sliced to pieces), hard-boiled eggs, the potatoes (not sliced but as patties), and rice--but from the seasoning. Soto kudus doesn't use any turmeric like the common soto ayam (the yellow color of the broth comes from turmeric), but brown that comes from sweet-soya sauce. Besides garlic, onion, pepper, lemongrass leaves, and bay leaves--like soto ayam, basically--soto kudus needs hazelnut, cumin and ginger. Sauteed all the spices, then put it to the boiled chicken broth. Add some sugar and salt, taste it. It will warmed your throat and stomach because of the ginger and cumin.

While the potato patties,'s quite simple too. peel off the potatoes, wash and clean them up, cut to small pieces then fried. make the potatoes as puree (but not too soft)--as soon as drained from the pan. Add garlic, pepper, salt and nutmeg powder. Chopped some scallions, then add the mincemeat. Take some of potatoes-mincemeat dough then form it to round-flat shape. Dip it to beaten eggs, and fried it until you've found it with nice golden-brown color. (you can see the tutorial through the pictures below. they're in Indonesian, but please ask--if you find something confusing).
O, I set the broth in a different container and the container made from stainless steel--so that later, he can heat up the broth then mix it with the side dish.

About the other menu--I've got shrimp in condiment (natural chili sauce) and leunca (leunca is kind of tiny eggplants, and found only in Indonesia). But you can substituted it with other kind of veges.
--I also made some experiment with my sandwich. After i smear the bread with mayo, put lettuce with salami and cheese and some bottled chili sauce, roll the sandwich. Then dip it to beaten eggs, wrapped it with bread-crumbs and fried it! You'll find it easy to make and delicious to eat.
--last, my husband is not a strawberry-lover. Local strawberry is too sour for him. But still, he need that for his vitamin-C intake. So, i melted some chocolate-bar, and dip the strawberries in. Before i packed the bento, i put the strawberries in the refrigerator first so the chocolate will stiffen again.

well, that's it.
hopefully you can try to make them too ^^ have a good day!

Selamat pagi!! ^^
bento lengkap si ayah hari ini adalah  soto kudus dan pelengkapnya (ayam suwir, tauge gendut, telur rebus, perkedel kentang), udang sambal leunca, sandwich goreng (hasil eksperimen pagi buta dengan hidung meler dan mata bengkak...hoaaaahm) dan strawberry fondue.

mulai dari soto-nya ya girls. umumnya soto ayam kan pake kuah kaldu ayam yang dikuningin pake kunyit. tapi selain bumbu-bumbu dasar bawang merah-putih, lada, garam serai, dan daun salam--soto kudus juga memakai tambahan bumbu berupa jinten, kemiri  dan jahe, sementara kaldu menjadi berwarna cokelat dengan tambahan kecap manis.
pelengkapnya sih biasa, seperti yang ada pada soto ayam umumnya. tapi tanpa bihun dan sayuran lain selain tauge. pilih tauge gendut, karena lebih tahan lama apalagi kalau sudah teroksidasi dengan udara luar. Pada saat merebus kuah kaldu dari ayam, angkat ayam begitu matang, dan goreng hingga kecokelatan, lalu suwir ayam.
Soal perkedel kentang (potato patties), bento si ayah kasih tutorial singkat ya girls. Selain untuk mengakomodir pembaca luar negeri, juga untuk membantu girls yang sebelumnya masih bingung dengan resep perkedel kentang :) .

Kupas kulit kentang dan cuci bersih kentang sebelum dipotong-potong kecil dan digoreng hingga matang.
Selagi panas, haluskan kentang dalam wadah plastik.
Goreng bawang putih iris, dan haluskan bersama lada, serta bubuk pala.
Tambahkan garam dan irisan daun bawang. masukkan pula daging cincang secukupnya.
Uleni semua bumbu dan kentang hingga menjadi adonan yang kalis.
Bentuk adonan bulat pipih dan simpan dalam lemari pendingin. Kalau hendak disimpan dalam waktu lama, goreng dahulu perkedel setengah matang dan simpan dalam wadah kedap udara.
Ketika hendak disajikan, balur perkedel kentang dalam kocokan telur ayam, dan goreng dalam minyak panas sampai kecokelatan.

Lauk pendamping lainnya adalah udang sambal leunca ini. membuatnya sangat sederhana. hanya dari bumbu dasar sambal terasi, udang dan leunca.

Menu asyik lainnya, adalah sandwich goreng.  cara lain untuk makan sandwich ! :D
ini kepikiran tadi pagi habis subuh, ngeliat salami di lemari pendingin, tanggung tinggal tiga lembar. mau dibikin apa ya...waktu ada tukang roti lewat, kepikiran deh untuk bikin sandwich model risoles.
Pertama-tama, isi roti tanpa kulit dengan olesan mayonaise (kalau ada yang produknya dibuat khusus sandwich ya girl, punya kraft ada kok), daun selada, salami, keju dan sambal botol.
Gulung sandwich dan sematkan ujung-ujungnya dengan tusuk gigi.
Siapkan kocokan telur, dan balur sandwich gulung dengan telur. lalu gulingkan dalam tepung roti,
dan remas-remas sampai tepung roti rata. diamkan, selama 3-4 menit agar tepung roti merekat kuat.
Goreng sandwich dalam minyak panas sampai kuning kecokeltan. sajikan.

Dan untuk desert, sekaligus asupan buah, bunda buatkan ayah strawberry fondue. karena ayah ngga suka sama straberry lokal yang asem (sementara strawberry impor harganya 2 kali lipat--yang ngga suka jadi bunda deh -____-'), pagi ini bunda 'manis'kan strawberrynya dengan celupan cokelat leleh. cara melelehkannya adalah dengan di-tim. letakkan cokelat dalam wadah stainless-steel dan masak di dalam panci dengan air  rebusan. tunggu sampai meleleh, dan celupkan strawberry ke dalamnya. sebelum dipak ke dalam bento, strawberry fondue dimasukkan dahulu dalam lemari pendingin agar cokelat cair segera mengeras lagi.

that's all girls. selamat mencoba :) kalau kamu sudah mencoba resep/tips Bento si Ayah, cerita-cerita ya girls :)


Uniflame said...
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Uniflame said...

Wow, I get to look at these step by step pictures from something delicious! I am guessing it are potato balls with garam massala?

I love to guess what you make by the pictures before actually reading :) Thank you so much for posting an explanation in English too :) I think I will be able to figure it out :)

Bunda zahraa said...

hi uniflame :) thank you for the compliments (oh dear, i prefer to say that as compliments. because they're flattered me..) *oh no, i'm blushing right now :D

well, garam massala is quite complicated seasoning. it needs more spices, while my potato patties/frikadell simpler :) you just need garlic, pepper, salt and nutmeg powder. you could always add minced meat/chicken to give flavor. but if you're not eating meat, you just need more scallions and celery :)

i think, you could make 'soto' from garam masalla seasonings (although some of the spices weren't suitable enough with the original flavor from the original regions), but it will worthed to try :)

lidya said...

sudah nyoba perkedelnyaaaaa,,,
even daging diganti tuna mild trus bawang putihnya pake yg powder,,trus juga aku tambahin tahu,,biar agak banyakan,,jadi deh,,enaaaakkkk,,, krn air tahunya aku campur jg,,jd agak krg padat pas tdk mengurangi kelezatannya,,hehehe
lmyn kmrn bisa buat makan 3hari untuk 3 org pula,,hehehe (di sini masaknya rombongan mbak,,biar irit)
so besok kami mo bikin perkedel lagiii,,hihihih
ketagihan perkedeeell >,<
tengkyu yah mbak liza...
pengen cyoba kaki naga nih,,,heheheh

Bunda zahraa said...

ahahaa...aih senangnya, beritanya masuk ke artikel hari ini tuh lid :D
difoto dong.. :D

Anonymous said...

Salam Liza! So glad to chance upon your blog. :) Your husband is a lucky man! I was googling for appetizers to go with the soto I'm planning to make for my friend. Is there any other side dishes to go with soto you would recommend?

Best regards,

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